Everyone likes Nintendo right? Of course all of their products are fun for the whole family and for having friends over , but Nintendo tends to screw people over sometimes. How ? you ask well as you may or may not heard the Wii has gone down to $199.99. Now when companies do this is either to make more money or get rid of the older models to make way for new and improved ones. This makes me kinda angry because my friends just got me a Nintendo Wii for my 17th birthday and i am grateful for that , but now a new rumor about the Wii getting total make over to make it better and more next gen. Now i love getting next gen consoles so this gets me in a dilema whether or not to trade in towards the new one but i might not have to make that decision unless rumors are true. But for you asking how will it be better ? well according to recent rumors the second Wii will have a blue--ray player which means it will have to support 720 - 1080 p which means amazing graphics. Well thats all of the information i have on it but will keep you the awesome readers and followers updated.
After 2 weeks worth of playing NBA 2k10 with my closests friends, one being advent but he does do some abusive points in the paint barrages, is still competition. I say that like I was winning or something, I only one twice, but I try to play sim as possible, although it is stupid to run plays when your opponent can see them.
Game play: The 2k devs got lazy with this, points in the paint TOO EASY, abusive players i.e. Lebron, Kobe, just horrible. ALthough, the players do play like their counterparts it is not a nice thing to watch. I had an alley oop with Dirk Nowitzki and he stretched his arm out so far back and slammed it down like he was Dwight Howard, I looked at my friend like What The Hell is this? Lebron just dunks on the whole team all game long( friend is a Cavs fan Go figures) . I do know how to play D it is just non-existent in this game, I don't care what anyone says don't try to give it justice it isn't there point blank period. Unless you have elite defenders like Battier, other than that everyone gets blown by very easily even if you are in the right position. Though the dunks do look sick, too many of them and it looks bad. Other than those issues posting,passing at times is great, shooting is spot on,just the feel of basketball and it's atmosphere is captured perfect in this game it is the only reason why I would keep playing this.
Presentation: Not going in depth 2K10 flat out has the best presentation since NFl 2k5, Spot on the Nba today beautiful touch. Great job on these aspects I can't fathom on how much this works. from the pre-game rituals to facial expressions to the announcers PERFECT.
Game Modes: three words,"My Player Mode." That explains it all, the greatest mode besides MLB The Shows my player mode. Franchise and Online is there, it should get you by.
Closing Words
I think the game is great it needs alot of work, messing with the sliders will get you a good game in, other than that the patch should hold you over for this year. The game needs to improve on more simplistic issues and hopefully they will be accounted for.
The Conduit is a all shooter game exclusively for the Nintendo Wii. It all starts by things going wrong in a government building. You the main character are stuck in between the fight for a device that will help in the either invasion or salvation . This was hyped to be the best shooter for the Wii and its good just not the best. The games campaign story is not that all interesting and the game can get tough so prepare to die a few times. Online multiplayer is fun but can get frustrating since you cannot talk to all players. Its nice having more and more online multiplayer games for a system that doesn't have much.
Pros: good graphics for wii
good control configurations
new fun weapons
Online multiplayer
Cons: Story isn't very interesting
annoying aliens
The Conduit for the Nintendo Wii receives a 7.5 out of 10
If you love shooters that don't get old , and will give you abit of a scare Left4Dead is for you.
This game has everything a person can look for in a shooting game. Playing through can get a lil tough if your doing campaign mode and goof around and waste all your ammo and health , but still alot of fun. The game becomes more entertaining if you have Xbox Live since you can do 4 player co-op.
Congradulations Hurley Hospital of Flint for winning the xbox game room.
All of the good fortune in the area has started to rub off on us here at CSvideogames which means we're in a giving mood! We are giving away our CS PS3 Holiday Bundle. The holiday bundle will consist of:
1.) One PS3 system cooling fan
2.) One PS3 wireless controller
3.) One PS3 care kit
4.) One PS3 2.0 data cable
5.) One PS3 Starwars: Force Unleashed!
To enter join out blog site as a follower and your email address and user name will be entered into a random drawing. The winner will be selected on Jan, 1 2010 at 9:00pm EST. Prize information updates will be posted frequentley so keep checking back. Best if luck to everyone and one entry per person any additional entries will be excluded.
When I think of a good Rpg that incorporates originality and with a sharp curve, but is satisfying and fun Kingdom Hearts will definitely come to my mind. Though, after playing Vesperia, which is the longest game a person can play, I don’t know how much of my life I lost. In reality though, its over 50 hours without counting extra missions, just the main story folks. Rpg’s may not be the most rave in the United States, those without the hype or buzz as others like Final Fantasy, but there are some pretty dang good ones, and this has to be one of the best ones I have ever played in my entire life and I am going to tell you why.
Other than game play this is the most important topic to me, as far as Rpgs go. The setting of the story takes place on the planet Terca Lumireis and the technology of this planet is advanced in places yet behind in others. The story at first is very simplistic a young trouble maker named Yuri quits being a knight to have a free life. Right as he is just relaxing on being a new man, the protection of the City, their blastia an object with almost a catch twenty-two plot to it, is a substance or orb than sets out a barrier around a city and protects from any monsters from roaming in, has disappeared. He seeks out the who’s, what’s, and whys, and before the gamer knows it you have a whole team that is on the verge to save the world.
Game play
To get around the large and vibrant world in this game, you at first walk around the world with Yuri and It will lead to you having a ship to get around and when gotten even further in the game you will have the ability to fly on a special creature. Fighting, at first may seem dull, that for the most part is that the characters are not skilled, but within the first twenty or so hours you’ll be slaying bosses with an arsenal of skills, weapons and items. The actual fighting is real time, no turn based action here( Im no fan of turn based either) so have fun with using Yuri’s Azure Edge and other abilities, and you can switch characters as well nice touch if you ask me, I don’t want to play the same character for 50 hours.
Graphics are shell shaded and to say it with as much bluntness as possible, BEAUTIFUL. Characters are spot on and very unique as there are more than one type of Civilization on the planet, and the monsters are portrayed well with distinct colors. The environments are so lush and full of life, the vibe off the environments are stellar. I won’t say you will get lost in the world but all the colors gel so well together it’s like they were meant to be like true love, almost unexplainable art and detail. I loved every minute of the graphics.
I don’t consider myself a hardcore gamer, unless it comes to sports games, but I do enjoy hard games, I did buy Devil May Cry 3 and I won’t speak on how well that went. Vesperia, at first can be one of the hardest games you have played, well at least to me. The first few boss battles had me cussing at my screen and I HATED hearing the game over quote, “And they were never heard from again.” I won’t lie to you guys; I replayed one boss battle for over an hour because I couldn’t beat it. I was so pissed, I was on the brink of giving up but hey few level ups and an hour later I beat it. But, to the hardcore gamer he/she may just run through this like it was as easy as tying a shoe. To anyone else it will definitely be a challenge. At least early on, once you gain some skills, you run through enemies’ fairly easy to where it goes from hard to plain annoying. Learning curve is also 5-30 minutes depending on playing style.
To Conclude
The greatest 50 hours of rpg gaming I have ever had. Characters develop, well the main characters. You won’t feel like they are pointless or worthless or think why he/she even belongs on this game. The game is good I would advise any fan of this series or rpg gaming to check it out, though problem is that copies of this game are impossible to find. I’m no fan of giving scores I just tell people to go for it or stay away; you guys have to get this, if you can find it though.
Do you like sea salt ice cream? for you who don't understand well that ice cream name is from a popular game kingdom hearts 2 or the new 358/2 Kh game . So recently i've been playing this new installment and i must say bravo. This game for you who don't know sets place after kingdom hearts 1 so you wont be so confused . Mostly everything about this game is like the Kingdom hearts games you've known and loved. the fighting system is identical to that of the Kh games on consoles, the only bad thing or annoying i must say is the camera. You must move it around in order to make fights easier to see other than that this game is amazing for Kh fans or anyone who enjoys a good story and gameplay. Also there is also more to do after the game campaign is done you can unlock more gameplay. The game is very customizable in terms of what you can take with you on missions and what keyblade abilities will have. So this game receives a 9 out of 10 .
I know many people seem to think that Final Fantasy Dissidia is little more than a shameful grab at the popularity of the Final Fantasy series, but I am here to tell you this simply isn’t the case. This game presents an interesting new idea to the fighting game genre. The story is Cosmos, the goddess of light, calling together heroes Ragnarok Style to help her fend off Chaos, and, shockingly for all of course, these heroes are all from Final Fantasy games. Each hero has their own story and each has a difficulty and might require extra curricular leveling of your character of choice. On the topic of leveling the game does make characters gain levels to learn attacks, separated into hp and bravery, with bravery determining how much damage is done (Similar to a game of tug of war) and hp actually hurting your opponent. With Ten characters to start and eleven villains to be unlocked (along with one more hero) there is bound to be a favorite for anybody that plays (Onion knight FTW by the way). The styles are vastly different, for example, Cloud and Sephiroth both use ridiculously oversized weapons but play in very different manners (what manners you say? Buy it and find out). Equipment is also important as it can affect everything from attack and defense to bravery and hp and give you an edge in battle. The levels are wide, open, and varied; the destructible environment is a nice touch. Stages from the throne of Cosmos to the realm of Chaos are possible and some stages can even have hazards and become a foe on its own. Choosing the right music can also be done in the loading screen before the battle starts, otherwise it’s random which can be awkward when One Winged Angel starts blaring with no Sephie involved. No game can be the greatest however, and there are a few problems. First and most frustrating to me is the combination of some buttons. You can dash to move about the battlefield quickly with the triangle button and R trigger held at once; however, the R trigger is also the block button leading to stalling in midair to block… nothing. Equipment also bothers me in that most of it has to traded for with the computer using randomly generated parts. Though you can increase the chance you still have just that, a chance. The bonus day is a perk but I’ve never really paid much attention. Even with these small problems the game is a good investment, with strong multiplayer (though you have to get some friends together for that) and innovative game play. Veterans of fighting games will find new challenges and lovers of the FF series will get gratuitous amounts of some of their favorite characters (no Vivi to my dismay). by B.K.
Hello loyal CSvidoegame readers!! Ok I know this video game topic is a little old but we are taking the new step in giving our customers what they want! A survey was taken ( pre-ordering Modern Warfare 2) with a total of 2 yes 2 votes, one being someone from CS management so we would like to thank the other person who voted, and for that vote the next few articles will be about Modern Warfare 2. This is an interactive site for the public so please use it to your advantage, your votes and referals can sway our topics and whats better than hearing what an independent company has to say right :). So please more participation!!!
On to the review. Metroid Prime Trilogy commonly refered to as MPT is a rather impressive game. Some would have thought that it was going to be a repeat but surprisingly it was decent, and rather impressive! As you know by now the game comes with not one, not two, but THREE games. Now I don't have a masters in mathamatics but roughly fourty bucks on a game that comes with three high quality games, that's a fantastic deal! That's what us gamers want and need, more bang for our buck especially in todays slowly rising economy. Metroid Prime Trilogy suprised many of our game testers here at CSvideogames and for that we give MPT an 8.2 out of 10