Thursday, December 31, 2009

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Gameplay Appreciation

Gameplay(single player) The story jumps right into action as usual, the infinity ward team usually never disappoints and they still don't. The action is fluid, as a gamer I don't see frame rate issues character models are there when you are constantly laying waste to the enemy around you. The gameplay never seems choppy or one sided, never a level that gives you a bored feeling, from using snow mobiles to shooting down helis with the rocket launchers its never dull as far as the single player goes. Guns look amazing, as the bullets spray and it always feels accomplishing every time you lay down a tango. Epic storyline can't go wrong here. Oh the curve will take 5 minutes tops and difficulty is upon you, I'm currently running through it on hardened.

Gameplay(Online) Now, I don't have the privilege to play online as much as the average joe with a 360 or PS3 but the glimpses and play through that I have gotten shows off a grand improvement, even though there wasn't much to improve over COD4. The environments call for more tactic as some of the sceneries can make it quite difficult to spot an opponent. Thats if they are camping which can get lame pretty quickly. Though, it can be tough to spot people even out in the open so keep your 20/20 or if u have better or worse vision peeled. Online is fun if you know what you are doing and harsh to those that are beginners. All in all Gameplay is as good as it gets for an fps with this game single player or multi-player. LOTS OF GAME MODES TO CHOOSE FROM NO WAY YOU CAN GET BORED. At least any time soon.

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